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Video Conferencing and Some of It Benefits to An Organization

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The use of video conferencing to meet all the communication needs of the organization is one of the options that on organization should consider. With a video conferencing solution, audio and video is transmitted at the same time hence facilitating the communication. It is possible for an organization to leverage on video conferencing for all it communication needs. An organization can, for example, use a video conferencing solution as a tool for holding all it meetings. By using the video conferencing solution, an organization is likely to reap a number of benefits. Below is a brief discussion on how an organization can benefit when it uses video conferencing as a solution for all it communication needs.

Firstly, an organization is able to cut cost. This could be, for example, the costs incurred while travelling. A cut on some of the organization costs is the earliest advantage of leveraging on video conferencing solution. With a video conference solution, a manager does not need to leave his office to attend that board meeting. Just like the usual meeting, a person can share and pass their ideas in line with the agendas of the meeting.

With Polycom Abu Dhabi in place, an organization can greatly improve the attendance of members to a scheduled meeting. This applies mostly if the distance is the main barrier that the participants are facing. In most of the cases, most of the members may resort to sending apologies that they will not be able to attend the meeting. When an organization installs a video conferencing solution, distance will not be an issue as one can, from any location, participate in a meeting. As a result, attendance will be greatly optimized.

When an organization chooses to use video conferencing as a solution, it becomes the first step to increased throughput. Implementing a video conferencing solution will allow the organization improve the entire system of communication. With the Polycom Video Conferencing, all employees will be up to date at all time. As mentioned earlier, one can participate from any location meaning that the decision making process will be fast. As a result, the organization becomes a little more productive.

Video conferencing also allows the organization to enjoy the benefit of being competitive in the industry. As mentioned earlier, a company remains productive by implementing the video conferencing technologies. Apart from being productive, an organization also remains efficient in most of it functions. When an organization implements the video conferencing technologies, it becomes easier to remain up to date with the external environment. As a result, an organization is able to remain and improve it productivity and hence competitive advantage.